BillPay Express Primary

No-Touch Medical Claims Processing & Automated Attachments

BillPay Express automates the labor-intensive process of submitting medical bills and claims for workers’ compensation and auto-medical. The solution is completely “plug and play” because it is already integrated with your EHR or Practice Management system.
BillPay Express verifies a claim is directed to the appropriate payor, determines required patient data, and automatically searches for medical records associated with an encounter and attaches them with the eBill submission.

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14 day

or less payment turnaround time

0 rejects

in over 120+ days for missing attachments


reduction on phone calls, emails and faxes regarding missing attachments


EHR & PM System integrations

The Automated – No Touch Process

No Touch, electronic delivery of medical bill directly from PMs / EHR

Medical bill is ingested by payors electronically directly from the point of origination

Identify required medical records & physician notes

Process leverages metadata within the bill identifying required attachments

Automated retrieval of medical records & physician notes

No touch process retrieves identified required attachments directly from EHR

Auto-attachment and validation of all necessary attachments

System validates all medical records & physician notes are properly attached

Delivery to payor

Medical Bills and required attachments are electronically delivered to the payor


BillPay Express Benefits
  • Expedites payment turnaround time from 60-90 days to 14 days or less
  • Automatically pre-audit bills for potential errors, greatly reducing denials & rejections
  • Significantly decrease manual workflows so your staff can focus on patient care
  • Save hundreds of pages of paper, envelopes, and stamps – no more paper!
Billpay Express (1)

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