May 2018
Jonathan Fox-Haines

Dimensions360 – Workflow for Accounts Payable

JANESVILLE, WI (May 2018) — Data Dimensions, a leader in the field of business process outsourcing, now offers an automated transaction lifecycle – from purchasing through payment – with Dimensions360, its Workflow for Accounts Payable.

Dimensions360 allows organizations to increase control, transparency and flexibility, automating the processing of their purchase order and non-purchase order invoices through the use of cost-efficient workflows and a central dashboard.

Data Dimensions President and CEO Jon Boumstein said the AP Workflow is the latest solution in the company’s mission to provide an all-encompassing and dynamic Intelligent Shared Services offering.

“Data Dimensions combines decades of experience with a commitment to providing leading-edge technology. The result is a workflow solution that can dramatically streamline and improve an organization’s entire transaction process.”

Data Dimensions’ AP workflow, which delivers substantial cost efficiencies, also offers these advantages:

  • Improved visibility via dynamic reporting and user-friendly dashboards
  • Enhanced information control and regulatory compliance
  • Accelerated invoice turnaround, which eliminates late fees and helps capture early payment discounts
  • Improved access to data, including access to line-item detail without the need for internal manual data entry

Data Dimensions’ Workflow is one of many elements of its comprehensive Intelligent Shared Services solution, which also includes a complete, end-to-end centralized mailroom; print & mail; artificial intelligence, and DD BillPay for finance, which maximizes supplier payments by replacing paper checking with electronic transactions.

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