April 2019
Jonathan Fox-Haines

JANESVILLE, WI (April 2019) – To better showcase information about the services it offers, Data Dimensions, a leading provider of intelligent automation solutions, unveils a brand new look with the launch of its new website.

The new datadimensions.com is a streamlined, easy-to-navigate portal for information about the company that provides an elevated browsing experience for visitors. Fresh content and graphics, as well as ease of use and intuitive site navigation, were the main considerations during development.

Improved menu navigation allows visitors to easily find the content most relevant to them. The home page features quick access to the array of automation solutions available for both Government and Commercial organizations such as Medical Bill Processing, AP Automation, and electronic bill payment.

“Data Dimensions continues to grow, and as we do, it’s important that our online presence reflects that growth,” said Jon Boumstein, Data Dimensions President and CEO. “Our new site offers visitors a wealth of information about how Data Dimensions can offer solutions that fit their specific needs, allowing them to increase efficiency and realize significant cost savings.”

With a clean new design, expanded content, and downloadable assets, the new Data Dimensions site is an information hub that offers an enhanced user experience. 

The company plans to continue to communicate regularly through blogs, relevant news articles, and notifications. Going forward, more video and interactive content will be added to the site to provide visitors with as much information as possible in their search for business automation solutions.

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