Jonathan Fox-Haines

Digital voice recording may be vital to the success of your organization, but it can by costly to implement and maintain — and complicated to deal with on a technological level.

The solution? Outsource your recording needs to a reliable provider, one with years of experience and a commitment to constantly evolving technology. A Digital Recording Statement (DRS) solution is a web-based application available as either a cloud offering or a licensed application installed behind your organization’s firewall. The ideal DRS application is agnostic to the brand or type of your phone system and is fully configurable to meet your recording needs regardless of the number of third-party interfaces or call centers your company may deal with.

Here are some of the benefits that Digital Voice Recording can bring to your organization:

  • Secure online access to high-quality digital MP3 records
  • Expedited acquisition and review of new records
  • No time lost because tapes must be sent out to a transcription service
  • No issues with deterioration of tape
  • Audit trail allows for easy review
  • Advantages of leading-edge technology without the need to invest in expensive hardware, software or staff training
  • Quick implementation, compliance and regulatory protection
  • Redundancy for complete disaster recovery

The DRS solution your company chooses should be fully compliant to SSAE 16 and HIPAA standards, as well as provide complete client-driven administrative functionality to support your organization’s workflow and reporting needs.